Taco Night!
In the mood for a quick dinner? How about the ever-adaptable tacos? You only need a handful of ingredients, some of which you probably already have in the fridge or pantry, and about 30 minutes to whip up a tasty meal. Below, we provide you with our favorite vegetarian tacos, with sweet potato and […]
Where Dreams Don’t Fade – Available At Last
NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD – Where Dreams Don’t Fade goes beyond the glory and into the back story of the people that are so often on display, but seldom understood. For every gold medal there are countless numbers of other Kenyans who trained all their lives for their own shot at greatness. For some, giving up their dream is not an option, because it would be a loss of their life style, just like the other runners living and training in Kenya.
Summer’s Best
From the EY Archives – A story like this just has to be told – and retold! For everyone who has ever spent a day (or even 10 minutes) in a car with parents and siblings – you know EXACTLY what we mean! Here is one man’s tale of the ~dreaded~ Family Roadtrip.
Latte Dah
Came across a link on twitter (thank-you Techweev for always finding and posting interesting pics) and it brought to mind our own coffee dreams! Not a coffee drinker? Don’t worry – we’ve got a chai alternative. Jazzed up on caffein, we went digging in our archives to bring back Cravings in a Foreign Land -penned by Megan Ritchie […]
Entertaining Kids
There’s a new kid on the block – and everybody’s taking note!
2012 has arrived and we are ready!
April 8, 2011 – And The Winner Is…
After an incredibly close race with several front runners, the Judges have finished their deliberations and announced the WINNER! CONGRATULATIONS to JOSEPH SCHUBERT – A Macalester College student who began following EntertainingYourself.com via facebook during Martin’s trip to China. Now we know why – Joe spent some time there himself and his best Running Memory makes for an exciting & hilarious tale. Joe – soon you’ll be sporting your sweet new shoes! Check the WINNING Kunming, China Running Story here!
EntertainingYourself.com Writing Contest
EntertainingYourself.com is launching our FIRST EVER writing contest for Best Running Story in a Foreign Country and YOU are invited to enter! Deadline for contest entry: April 1, 2011. 1st Prize? A new pair of running shoes. Want the details, check out the full story – you are just a button click away!
Who’s Guarding The Roost?
“How many teeth does it have?”
“Do you really want to know?” I asked.
“No, don’t tell me…I have a feeling it will require a lot of care and will harm me,” she said.
I wanted to ease my mom’s fears, but couldn’t…
The Zone and the Art of Goat Milking
It took sweat, tears and getting peed on, but this month I learned how to milk a goat. It wouldn’t have been possible without a lesson I learned at eight years old inside a dim elementary school gymnasium, when I first experienced “the zone.” I’m sure you’re familiar with it—that mindset that transports you to […]
How To Milk A Goat
Once you’ve tried it, you might actually like it. Milking a goat that is! Now that he’s been doing it for awhile, Will shows off his skills at milking Milky! It’s all about the technique – and of course, getting in the zone!
Fun Fact
Fun Fact: Oyster: oys·ter
noun, often attributive \’ȯis-tər\
Definition of OYSTER (Merriam-Webster)
1a : any of various marine bivalve mollusks (family Ostreidae) that have a rough irregular shell closed by a single adductor muscle and include commercially important shellfish b : any of various mollusks resembling or related to the oysters
2: something that is or can be readily made to serve one’s personal ends
From Wikipedia: William Shakespeare (c:1600) is credited with first using the phrase in his play “The Merry Wives of Windsor” in Act 2, Scene 2, 2-5 Pistol: Why then the world’s mine oyster/which I with sword will open.
Don’t Knock It If You Haven’t Tried It!
Just over a year ago one of my younger sisters did two things that surprised me. One: she got married. Two: she bought a pair of goats. At 21 I wasn’t sure Jane was ready to start her own family, much less a herd, but then, she’d surprised me before. Still, goats? People actually raise […]